Home Health 6 Foods that Cleanse the Colon: Natural Detox

6 Foods that Cleanse the Colon: Natural Detox

foods that cleanse the colon

Eating some foods that cleanse the colon. It’s important to know that these all foods also do not have the miraculous ability to detoxify the body. In fact, in a healthy person, the colon works by itself as a “cleaning device” for the body.

So what food does is help to improve the motility of the intestine so that waste is not retained, especially when there is constipation or irregular stools. Next, we tell you more about the tasks of the colon and how proper nutrition favors it.

However, it is quite normal for some foods we eat to affect the health of our colon. In this case, people often suffer from constipation, irritation and inflammation, negatively affecting the entire functioning of the large intestine.

Is it necessary to clean the colon?

It is important to eat healthy things more often that help to cleanse the colon, and thus avoid the above-mentioned problems. Chances are, you’ve heard of food to cleanse the colon. Even today, there is a wide variety of supplements that claim to fulfil this function. Many think that this organ should be cleaned regularly to ensure good digestive health.

For a better healthy life it’s very important to keep your bowels clean because most of the diseases start in the bowel. That you have a smooth bowel movement. And even if you think ‘I go to the toilet every day’, an extra effort is not an unnecessary luxury!! It seems that there are certain ingredients that stimulate the intestine to remove waste.

How does the colon work?

To better understand the above, it is convenient to know that the colon plays a relevant role in the digestive system. Once the small intestine digests food and extracts its nutrients, it passes to the colon to be broken down. What this organ does is absorb moisture from food and later eliminate waste.

Due to this, many experts consider the popular detox methods to be ineffective and even dangerous in some cases. As long as it is healthy, the colon itself can break down and eliminate food waste to end the digestion process.

Best foods that cleanse the colon

It should be clear that food does not have any extraordinary properties when it comes to cleaning the colon. Still, they contain nutrients that promote the proper functioning of this organ. Therefore, if there are digestive difficulties or constipation, it is advisable to increase your consumption.

If you want to know which foods are ideal if you want to clean your colon, you can find out here in this article. So keep reading!

  1. Water

Water is undoubtedly the best ally in the fight for healthy bowels. The body uses water to hydrate, regulate body temperature and to clean and purify each of its organs, including the intestines. In other words, water is extremely important in intestinal purification and healing.

Drinking water regularly and sufficiently frees us from the toxins and purifies the residues that have been present in our colon for years.

  1. Oatmeal

If it is about helping to cleanse the colon, oatmeal is one of the most recommended foods. Due to its content of a type of fiber known as beta-glucans, it contributes to the balance of intestinal bacteria and supports the large intestine in its functions.

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition determined that the consumption of recipes such as porridge has positive effects on the intestinal micro-flora, since they act as prebiotics. The latter function as food for the healthy bacteria that inhabit the colon.

  1. Plain Yogurt

Including a serving of plain yogurt as part of a healthy and varied diet can promote colon cleansing. This food, like other fermented products, contains probiotics that help repopulate the intestinal flora. By promoting this balance, the health of the colon improves, as well as its natural functions.

  1. Chia and Flax Seeds

Both chia and flax seeds have good components to stimulate the functions of the colon. One of the most prominent are omega 3 fatty acids, a healthy type of fat that has anti-inflammatory effects. Due to this, its intake reduces inflammation of the colon.

Likewise, they are a source of vegetable fiber, which, once in contact with water, favors the elimination of the waste retained in this organ, especially when there is an episode of constipation. Both can be added in smoothies, salads, soups and other recipes.

  1. Walnuts

Like seeds, walnuts provide significant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fiber. These nutritional properties are what help cleanse the colon, not only because they stimulate peristalsis, but because they minimize its inflammation.

Animal evidence shows that eating this variety of nuts produces a healthy intestinal environment and reduces the risk of chronic diseases in the digestive system.

6. Fruit and Vegetables

cleanse the colon vegetables

In the fruit category you will find the largest amount of vitamins that give you the necessary daily energy and that strengthen our immune system, fruits and vegetable with the presence of large amounts of fiber and antioxidants.

Be careful when selecting the right fruits and make sure they don’t contain too much sugar. Fruits we recommend include apples, citrus fruits and papaya.

Minerals are provide a balance in the body you can find a huge number in vegetables. Also vegetables provide you with a good amount of fiber. There are more foods that contain this nutrient, it is worth noting cruciferous vegetables, which provide significant doses of nutrient.

Some very good vegetable foods that cleanse the colon are broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, are useful in a varied diet to stimulate colon cleansing.

Final Words!

Foods that cleanse the colon are adjutants in the functions of this organ. By themselves they cannot purify or detoxify the organism, but included in the framework of a healthy diet they are beneficial to stimulate the elimination of waste.

Its consumption is recommended for problems such as constipation or slow digestion. However, given the complexity that these disorders can bring, it should be remembered that it is important to consult a doctor.



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