Home Weight Loss 06 Foods with Few Calories to Lose Weight

06 Foods with Few Calories to Lose Weight

foods with few calories

The tastiest dishes are not always found in high-calorie foods or in dishes that make the most fat. It is possible to eat well with low calories. Many delicious dishes can be prepared with low-calorie foods and a very healthy diet.  In this post we are going to know about 6 foods with very few calories.

Some people use it to lose weight or clean up their diet. But before we focus on fewer calories, we try to define what the calorie is. Theoretically, the word calorie means “heat,” that is, a unit that measures the energy value of a food.

Best 6 foods with few calories

You may know be feel interested in knowing the following 6 foods with few calories. If you are planning to start a low calorie diet for weight lose, you need to introduce products that contain a low calories density, but high satiating capacity.

In this way, you can calm the appetite without disturbing the balance. Here are 6 foods with very few calories so you can establish an effective weight loss plan.

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli or broccoli is a low calorie food that is often included in weight loss diets. Broccoli food with a high content of nutrients and with very few calories. 100 grams of the product only provide 30 kilo calories.

For this reason, it is common to find it in weight loss diets. In addition, it is a vegetable rich in phytonutrients, which are substances capable of reducing oxidation and inflammation in the body. According to research published in the journal molecules, they help prevent and treat chronic diseases.

On the other hand, broccoli is a food rich in fiber, so it is able to increase the feeling of satiety, while reducing the risk of developing metabolic-type pathologist. The latest scientific papers advocate the inclusion of fiber in the regular diet to help prevent type-2 diabetes.

  1. Mushrooms

The last foods that we will talk about in this article are mushrooms. It is a fairly large group of vegetables that includes different varieties, each one different in flavor and nutritional characteristics.

They are characterized by their high water content, as well as by providing organoleptic richness to culinary preparations. Mushrooms are rich in phytochemicals, capable of fighting oxidation and against the development of chronic metabolic pathologist.

In addition, they have the advantage that they can be frozen for a long time, which allows their consumption beyond the time of harvesting them. Some varieties can be grown in greenhouses or indoors at home. There are mushrooms highly valued in international cuisine, with a high cost for their rarity.

  1. Oatmeal

If you want to start the day healthy, it is best to start with a healthy breakfast with low calories. Oatmeal is the best food to help break down carbohydrates. These fibers give a full and saturated feeling, so you feel the need to cut less quickly.

Oatmeal is not super low in carbohydrates, but due to the benefits I just mentioned, this product fits perfectly into a low-calorie diet. It is ultimately about how many calories you eat per day and that is what oatmeal affects! Oatmeal contains about 370 pounds of calories per 100 grams and 148 pounds of calories per 40-gram serving.

You can add oatmeal to yogurt or cottage cheese. Also you can boil it with water or milk and mix it with fruit for a delicious breakfast! In short, oatmeal is a good choice for breakfast and fills up well. It will help you eat fewer calories at the next meal and slow stomach emptying.

  1. Carrots

carrot with few calories

Carrots is one of the best foods with low calories. Within the food group with less than 40 kilo calories per 100 grams, are carrots. These vegetables have the advantage of being, especially, rich in vitamin A.

This vitamin is an essential nutrient to ensure visual health and prevent oxidation. With its antioxidant function, it slows down the formation of free radicals, which contributes to the better aging of human cells.

Another advantage of the carrot is its slightly sweet taste. This property allows you great versatility in the kitchen. It is possible to prepare not so salty dishes with this vegetable as the protagonist. Try all its possibilities to introduce it into the usual diet.

  1. Spinach

Another low-calorie food is spinach. 100 grams of spinach foods provide only 22 kilo calories. It is a type of vegetable rich in water, but also in micro-nutrients of interest such as iron.

It is true that iron from plant foods has a lower absorption rate, but this problem is solved by consuming it together with a serving of vitamin C. According to a study published in the journal Food and Function, the joint administration of both nutrients is able to reduce the risk of developing anemia in the medium term.

  1. Cucumbers

cucumber with few calories

Snacking on cucumber is a good way to get some extra water. Like the apple, it is a so-called ‘negative-calorie food’. They barely contain calories, but make you feel full, so they trigger the ‘stop eating’ signal in your brain.

Vanessa Castro, a dietitian and personal trainer in Florida, says at Medical Daily, “The high water content is great because we often confuse thirst with hunger. Cucumber gives you less appetite and it is also good for your skin! ”

Includes more foods with few calories to lose weight

The advantage of all these foods that we have just presented to you is that they are capable of providing nutrients, but few calories. In this way, with its consumption you can help improve your state of health without this implying an energy imbalance that leads to weight gain.

If you are thinking of considering a low calorie diet, include all these foods in the guideline. With them you will increase the volume of your dishes and generate a greater feeling of satiety, without this affecting the final result when you count the calories you eat.


In the usual diet of many people, the opposite usually happens: the intake of foods that concentrate a large amount of energy in a small volume predominates. That consumption increases the risk of gaining weight. So these all foods with few calories help you to balance your diet.

Finally, remember the importance of introducing vegetables regularly. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins and their regular consumption is associated with a lower risk of developing complex diseases, so they must appear with a high frequency in our dishes.



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